Ban plastic grass (with chemicals) at Fairgrounds (and other county-owned lands)

Please take 30 seconds to send an email (using the form below) to the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors to ask them to approve Version A of the ordinance to ban plastic grass on County-owned land, with no exception for playing fields.  Sending an email by Monday is best, or by Tuesday at noon at the latest.
Plastic grass is a concern because:
• Plastic turf, a petroleum product, is laced with chemicals, including PFAS (forever chemicals), some of which are known or suspected carcinogens.
• Plastic grass gets very hot, making our neighborhood hotter and making play dangerous on hot days.
• Plastic grass is associated with a higher rate of injuries to players.
• Off-gassing and runoff from plastic fields contaminates the air, water and soil.
• The climate pollution created by manufacturing, transporting, and disposing of plastic turf intensifies global heating.

Instead of being covered in acres of plastic grass, the Fairgrounds could be turned into an urban green oasis. The County and the Earthquakes can become local heroes by installing expertly-designed, organically-managed natural grass fields for both the community and the professionals.

County Supervisors can support this vision by also approving Action Option D: develop a natural grass playing field project to learn and disseminate to local field operators best practices for installation, operation, and maintenance of natural grass fields with an improved performance profile.

Our community already has enough pollution and heat—protect our kids, environment, and climate and defend equity by banning plastic grass, without exceptions, on all County-owned property. All kids and athletes deserve the safest and healthiest playing surface: organically-managed, well-maintained, drought-tolerant grass fields.


    1. Required: Your First and Last Name

    2. Required: Your Email Address

    3. Required: Your Street or Cross Street. Do not list your City. Do not list your State.

    4. Required: Your Zip Code

    5. Required:

    6. Optional: Please list any additional comments you'd like included as the second paragraph of your online petition.



    Dear President Lee, Vice President Arenas, and Supervisors Abe-Koga, Duong, and Ellenberg:

    I urge you to approve Version A of the ordinance to ban plastic grass on County-owned land, with no exception for playing fields.

    <Your personal comment>

    I am concerned about plastic grass because:

    • Plastic turf, a petroleum product, is laced with chemicals, including PFAS (forever chemicals), some of which are known or suspected carcinogens.

    • Plastic grass gets very hot, making our neighborhood hotter and making play dangerous on hot days.

    • Plastic grass is associated with a higher rate of injuries to players.

    • Off-gassing and runoff from plastic fields contaminates the air, water and soil.

    • The climate pollution created by manufacturing, transporting, and disposing of plastic turf intensifies global heating.

    Instead of being covered in acres of plastic grass, I would love to see the Fairgrounds be turned into an urban green oasis. You and the Earthquakes can become local heroes by installing expertly-designed, organically-managed natural grass fields for both the community and the professionals.

    You can support this vision by also approving Action Option D: develop a natural grass playing field project to learn and disseminate to local field operators best practices for installation, operation, and maintenance of natural grass fields with an improved performance profile. 

    Our community already has enough pollution and heat—protect our kids, environment, and climate and defend equity by banning plastic grass, without exceptions, on all County-owned property. All kids and athletes deserve the safest and healthiest playing surface: organically-managed, well-maintained, drought-tolerant grass fields.


    Estimados Presidente Lee, Vice Presidente Arenas, and Supervisores Abe-Koga, Duong, y Ellenberg:

    Les insto a que aprueben la Versión A de la ordenanza para prohibir el césped plástico en terrenos propiedad del Condado, sin excepción en los campos de juego.

    <Tu comentario personal>

    Me preocupa el césped plástico porque:

    • El césped plástico, un producto derivado del petróleo, está mezclado con sustancias químicas, incluidas las PFAS (sustancias químicas permanentes), algunas de las cuales son cancerígenas conocidas o sospechadas.

    • El césped de plástico se calienta mucho, lo que hace que nuestro vecindario sea más caluroso y que jugar sea peligroso en los días calurosos.

    • El césped plástico se asocia con una mayor tasa de lesiones en los jugadores.

    • Las emisiones de gases y el escurrimiento de los campos de plástico contaminan el aire, el agua y el suelo.

    • La contaminación climática creada por la fabricación, el transporte y la eliminación del césped plástico intensifica el calentamiento global.

    En lugar de estar cubierto de acres de césped plástico, me encantaría ver el recinto ferial convertido en un oasis verde urbano. Ustedes y los Earthquakes pueden convertirse en héroes locales instalando campos de césped natural diseñados por expertos y gestionados orgánicamente tanto para la comunidad como para los profesionales.

    Usted pueden apoyar esta visión aprobando también la Opción de Acción D: desarrollar un proyecto de campo de juego de césped natural para aprender y difundir entre los operadores de campos locales las mejores prácticas para la instalación, operación y mantenimiento de campos de césped natural con un perfil de rendimiento mejorado. 

    Nuestra comunidad ya tiene suficiente contaminación y calor: proteja a nuestros niños, el medio ambiente y el clima y defienda la equidad prohibiendo el césped plástico, sin excepciones, en todas las propiedades del Condado. Todos los niños y atletas merecen la superficie de juego más segura y saludable: campos de césped manejados orgánicamente, bien mantenidos y tolerantes a la sequía.

    Thank you / Gracias,